4 Simple Steps to Order Brand New Sneakers


Step 1: Choose Your Size and Add to Cart

  1. Visit the product page for your desired sneakers.
  2. Select your size by clicking on “Choose size”.
  3. Click the “Add to Cart” button.
  4. Continue shopping or proceed to checkout.

Step 2: Enter Your Information

  1. Click the shopping cart icon or “View Cart” to review your items.
  2. Click “Proceed to Checkout”.
  3. Fill in your name, email, and phone number.
  4. Provide your shipping address accurately.

Step 3: Make a Payment

  1. Choose your payment method (debit or credit card).
  2. You will be redirected to a secure payment page, often powered by PayPal.
  3. Enter your card details (number, expiration date, security code, and billing address).
  4. Review your order details.
  5. Click “Place Order” or “Complete Purchase”.

Step 4: Track Your Order

  1. After payment, you’ll receive an order confirmation email.
  2. Our manager may contact you for any additional information if needed.
  3. Your order will be processed and prepared for shipment.
  4. Once shipped, you’ll receive an email with a tracking number or link.
  5. Click the tracking link to monitor your package.
  6. You can also log into your account on our website to check your order status and tracking information.

Enjoy your shopping experience!